• How Marteq is Applied to your mission

    The flow of clickstream data from Marteq's technology

    offers a variety of advantages for the Adobe Analytics customer.

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    Know the Journey

    Identify trends of your consumers' travels within and between websites & other digital properties, then plan your intercepts accordingly.
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    Create the Flock

    Segment your consumers by behavior, and message accordingly, driving greater response rates.
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    Add real intelligence to your upsell/cross-sell efforts, driving more revenue from your existing base.
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    Stop Competitive Views
    Intercept your consumers as they visit competitive sites, and protect the brand from churn.
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    Interrupt the Research

    As your consumers research products & services, you can insert yourself into the process and influence the decision.
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    Continually gauge the brand's "pulse" among your consumers... instead of brand research for a specific point in time.
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    Uncover New Trends

    New consumer trends will be found in the data, leading to new products to new messaging/ positioning.
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    Consumers Have Control

    Consumers have full control and ownership of their data. This permission-based system means that you're always compliant with regulations.
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    Offers <> Behavior

    Via Marteq in-app communications, offers/promotions can be triggered by behavior, giving you timely and relevant outreach.
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    Reality-based Personas

    Personas can be created based on actual behavior, leading to greater accuracy and relevancy.